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Yellowstone Badger: A Citizen Naturalist Project

Yellowstone badger research bibliography

Almberg, E. S., L. D. Mech, D. W. Smith, J. W. Sheldon and R. L. Crabtree. 2009. A serological survey of infectious disease in Yellowstone National Park's canid community. PloS ONE 4:e7042.
Almberg, E. S., P. C. Cross and D. W. Smith. 2010. Persistence of canine distemper virus in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem's carnivore community. Ecological Applications 20:2058-2074.
Almberg, E. S., P. C. Cross, A. P. Dobson, D. W. Smith and P. J. Hudson. 2012. Parasite invasion following host reintroduction: A case study of Yellowstone's wolves. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society 367:2840-2851. Accessed 10 November 2012.
Apps, C. D., N. J. Newhouse and T. A. Kinley. 2002. Habitat associations of American badgers in southeastern British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80:1228-1239.
Armitage, K. B. 2004. Badger predation on yellow-bellied marmots. American Midland Naturalist 151:378–387.
Balph, D. F. 1961. Underground concealment as a method of predation. Journal of Mammalogy 42:423-424.
Biek R, T. K Ruth, K. M. Murphy, C. R. Anderson Jr. and M. Johnson. 2006. Factors associated with pathogen seroprevalence and infection in Rocky Mountain cougars. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 42: 606–615.
Campbell, T. A. III and T. W. Clark. 1983. Observation of badger (Taxidea taxus ) copulatory and agonistic behaviour. Southwestern Naturalist 28:107-108.
Case, R. M. 1978. Interstate highway road-killed animals: A data source for biologists. Wildlife Society Bulletin 6:8-13.
Collins, D. P. 2003. Badger ecology on the chaparral wildlife management area. M.S. Thesis, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas. 43 pp.
Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. 2000. Assessment and update status report on the American badger in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
Comrack, L., B. Bolster, J. Gustafson, D. Steele and E. Burkett. 2008. Species of special concern: A brief description of an important California Department of Fish and Game designation. California Department of Fish and Game, Wildlife Branch, Nongame Wildlife Program Report 2008-03, Sacramento, CA. 4pp.
Drescher, H. E. 1974. On the status of the badger, Taxidea taxus in Manitoba (Canada). Zoologischer Anzeiger 192:222-238.
Eldridge, D. J. 2004. Mounds of the American badger (Taxidea taxus): Significant features of North American shrub-steppe ecosystems. Journal of Mammalogy 85:1060-1067.
Errington, P.L. 1937. Summer food habits of the badger in northwestern Iowa. Journal of Mammalogy 18: 213-216.
Feldhamer, G. A., B. C. Thompson and J. A. Chapman (eds.). Wild mammals of North America: Biology, management and conservation. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland.
Gese, E. M., R. D. Schultz, M. R. Johnson, E. S. Williams, R. L. Crabtree and R. L. Ruff. 1997. Serological survey for diseases in free-ranging coyotes (Canis latrans) in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 33:47-56.
Goodrich, J. M. and S. W. Buskirk. 1998. Spacing and ecology of North American badgers (Taxidea taxus) in a prairie-dog (Cynomys leucurus) complex. Journal of Mammalogy 79:171-179.
Goodrich, J. M., E. S. Williams and S. W. Buskirk. 1994. Effects of a modified-live virus canine distemper vaccine on captive badgers (Taxidea taxus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 30:492-496.
Graham, R. W. and E. L. Lundelius (principal authors). 1994. FAUNMAP: a database documenting Late Quaternary distributions of mammal species in the United States / FAUNMAP Working Group. Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers 25. Illinois State Museum, Springfield, IL.
Gremillion-Smith, C. 1985. Range extension of the badger (Taxidea taxus) in southern Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science 78:111-114.
Harlow, H. J. 1981. Torpor and other physiological adaptations of the badger (Taxidea taxus) to cold environments. Physiological Zoology 54:267-275.
Harlow, H. J. and B. Miller. 1985. Non-shivering thermogenesis in the American badger. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 80:159-161.
Harlow, H. J., B. Miller, T. Ryder and L. Ryder. 1985. Energy requirements for gestation and lactation in a delayed implanter, the American badger. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 82:885-890.
Hart, E. B. and M. Trumbo. 1983. Winter stomach contents of South Dakota U.S.A. Badger (Taxidea taxus). Great Basin Naturalist 43:492-493.
Hoodicoff, C. 2003. Ecology of the badger (Taxidea taxus jeffersonii) in the Thompson region of British Columbia: Implications for conservation. M.S. Thesis, University-College of the Cariboo, Vancouver, British Columbia. 130 pp.
Jense, G. K. 1968. Food habits and energy utilization of badgers. M.S. Thesis, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota. 39 pp.
Kiliaan, H. P. L., C. Mamo and P. C. Paquet. 1991. A coyote Canis latrans and badger Taxidea taxus interaction near Cypress Hills Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 105:122-123.
Knopfe, F. L. and D. F. Balph. 1969. Badgers plug burrows to confine prey. Journal of Mammalogy 50:635–636.
Kyle, C. J., R. D. Weir, N. J. Newhouse, H. Davis and C. Strobeck. 2004. Genetic structure of sensitive and endangered northwestern badger populations (Taxidea taxus taxus and T. t. jeffersonii). Journal of Mammalogy 85:633-639.
Lampe, R. P. and M. A. Sovada. 1981. Seasonal variation in home range of a female badger. The Prairie Naturalist 13:55-58.
Lampe, R.P. 1976. Aspects of the predatory strategy of the North American badger, Taxidea taxus. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, St. Paul.
Larsen, C. J. 1987. Badger distribution study. California Department of Fish and Game, Nongame Wildlands Investigations Report. Project W-65-R-4, Job I-11. 8pp. + appendices.
Lehner, P. N. 1981. Coyote-badger associations. Great Basin Naturalist (Western North American Naturalist) 41:347-348.
Lindzey, F. G. 1971. Ecology of Badgers in Curlew Valley, Utah and Idaho with emphasis on movement and activity patterns. M.S. thesis, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. 50 pp.
Lindzey, F. G. 1978. Movement patterns of badgers in northwestern Utah. Journal of Wildlife Management 42:418-422.
Lindzey, F. G. 1982. Badger. Pp. 653-663 in J. A. Chapman and G. A. Feldhamer, eds. Wild mammals of North America: Biology, management and economics. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.
Long, C. A. 1972. Taxanomic revision of the North American badger, Taxidea taxus. Journal of Mammalogy 53:725-759.
Long, C. A. 1973. Taxidea taxus. Mammalian Species 26:1-4.
Messick, J. P. 1987. North American Badger. Pp. 586-597 in M. Novak, J. A. Baker, M. E. Obbard and B. Malloch, eds. Wild furbearer management and conservation in North America. Ministry of Natural Resources, Toronto, Ontario. 1150pp.
Messick, J. P. and M. G. Hornocker. 1981. Ecology of the badger in southwestern Idaho. Wildlife Monographs 76:1-53.
Michener, G. R. 2004. Hunting techniques and tool use by North American badgers preying on Richardson’s ground squirrels. Journal of Mammalogy 85:1019-1027.
Michener, G. R. and A. N. Iwanuik. 2001. Killing technique of North American badgers preying on Richardson’s ground squirrels. Canadian Journal of Zoology 79:2109-2113.
Minta, S. 1993. Sexual differences in spatio-temporal interaction among badgers. Oecologia 96:402-409.
Minta, S. C. 1990. The badger Taxidea taxus (Carnivora: Mustelidae): spatial-temporal analysis, dimorphic territorial polygyny, population characteristics, and human influences on ecology. Ph.D. dissertation, The University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, 317 pp.
Minta, S. C., K. A. Minta & D. F. Lott. 1992. Hunting associations between badgers (Taxidea taxus) and coyotes (Canis latrans). Journal of Mammalogy 73:814–820.
Murie, J.O. 1992. Predation by badgers on Columbian ground squirrels. Journal of Mammalogy 73:385-394.
Newhouse N. and T. Kinley. 1999. COSEWIC status report on the American badger Taxidea taxus. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Newhouse, N. and T. Kinley. 2000. Update COSEWIC status report on the American badger Taxidea taxus in Canada. Pp. 1–26 in COSEWIC assessment and status report on the American badger Taxidea taxus in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Newhouse, N. J. and T. A. Kinley. 2000. Ecology of American badgers near their range limit in southeastern British Columbia. Forest Renewal British Columbia, BC Environment, Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program, Canadian Parks Service, East Kootenay Environmental Society, Invermere, BC, Canada.
Penrod, K., C. Cabañero, C. Luke, P. Beier, W. Spencer and E. Rubin. 2003. South coast missing linkages: A linkage design for the Tehachapi connection. Unpublished Report. South Coast Wildlands Project, Monrovia, CA.
Penrod, K., C. Cabañero, P. Beier, C. Luke, W. Spencer and E. Rubin. 2004. South coast missing linkages project: A linkage design for the San Gabriel-Castaic connection. Unpublished Report. South Coast Wildlands, Idyllwild, CA.
Penrod, K., C. Cabañero, P. Beier, C. Luke, W. Spencer and E. Rubin. 2006. South coast missing linkages project: A linkage design for the Palomar-San Jacinto/Santa Rosa Connection. Unpublished Report. South Coast Wildlands, Idyllwild, CA.
Penrod, K., R. Hunter, and M. Merrifield. 2001. Missing linkages: Restoring connectivity to the California landscape. Conference Proceedings. Co-sponsored by California Wilderness Coalition, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species, and California State Parks.
Quinn, J. H. 2008. The ecology of the American badger Taxidea taxus in California: Assessing conservation status on multiple scales. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA. 200 pp.
Rahme, A. H., A. S. Harestad and F. Bunnell. 1995. Status of the badger in British Columbia. Wildlife Working Report WR-72. British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks.
Ramey, C. A. and J. B. Bourassa. 2005. Badger movement ecology in Colorado agricultural areas after a fire. Proceedings of the 11th Wildlife Damage Management Conference. Pp. 337-348.
Rathbun, A. P., M. C. Wells and M. Bekoff. 1980. Cooperative predation by coyotes on badgers. Journal of Mammalogy 61:375-376.
Riley, S. P. D., C. Bromley, R. H. Poppenga, F. A. Uzal, L. Whited and R. M. Sauvajot. 2007. Anticoagulant exposure and notoedric mange in bobcats and mountain lions in urban southern California. The Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1874-1884.
Salt, J. R. 1976. Seasonal food and prey relationships of badgers in east-central Alberta. Blue Jay 34: 119-122.
Sargeant, A. B. and D. W. Warner. 1972. Movements and denning habits of a badger. Journal of Mammalogy 53: 207-210.
Sawyer, E. J. 1925. Badger runs down ground squirrels. Journal of Mammalogy 6:125–126.
Schantz, V. S. 1950. A new badger from Montana. Journal of Mammalogy 31:90-92.
Schullery, P. 1991. Pregnant bears and crawdad eyes: Excursions and encounters in animal worlds. Mountaineer Books, Seattle, Washington.
Schwab, E. R. 1978. An observation of badger predation on Richardson ground squirrels. Prairie Naturalist 10:60-61.
Scobie, D. 2002. Status of the American Badger (Taxidea taxus) in Alberta. Wildlife Status Report No. 43. Sustainable Resource Development, Fish and Wildlife Division, and Alberta Conservation Association, Edmonton.
Smith, C. R. 1994. Wild carnivores as plague indicators in California - A cooperative interagency disease surveillance program. Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference 16:192-199.
Smith, D. W. and E. Almberg. 2007. Wolf diseases in Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone Science 15:17-19.
Smith, D. W., D. R. Stahler and D. S. Guernsey. 2005. Yellowstone Wolf Project: Annual report. National Park Service, Yellowstone Center for Resources, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. – be sure to change citation in text
Smith, D. W., R. O. Peterson, and D. B. Houston. 2003. Yellowstone after wolves. Bioscience 53:330-340.
Snead, E. and G. O. Hendrickson. 1942. Food habits of the badger in Iowa. Journal of Mammalogy 23: 380–391.
Soper, J. D. 1964. The mammals of Alberta. Hamly Press Ltd., Edmonton, Canada.
Sovada, M. A., J. M. Roaldson and A. B. Sargeant. 1999. Foods of American badgers in westcentral Minnesota and southeastern North Dakota during the duck nesting season. American Midland Naturalist 142:410-414.
Stardom, R. P. 1979. Status report on the American badger (Taxidea taxus) in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Thorne, E. T. and E. S. Williams. 1985. Disease and endangered species: The black-footed ferret as a recent example. Conservation Biology 2:66-74.
Todd, M. C. 1980. Ecology of badgers in southcentral Idaho with additional notes on raptors. College of Forestry, Wildlife and Range Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.
Warner, R. E. and B. Ver Steeg. 1995. Illinois badger studies. Division of Wildlife Resources, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Springfield, Illinois.
Wauer, R. H. and J. Egbert. 1977. Interactions between a Harris’ hawk and a badger. Western Birds 8:155.
Williams, D. F. 1986. Mammalian species of special concern in California. California Department of Fish and Game, Wildlife Management Administrative Division Report 86-1, Sacramento, California.
Williams, E. S., E. T. Thorne, M. J. G. Appel and D. W. Belitsky. 1988. Canine distemper in black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) from Wyoming. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 24:385-398.